While visiting one of our daughters in Brooklyn last night, we helped her give a housewarming party for her new apartment in Williamsburg. We all started out on the rooftop, clad with couches, tables, barbecues and killer views of the enter island of Manhattan.
We enjoyed some drinks, appetizers and barbecued dinner, and then we moved the party into the apartment. As dinner wound down around 1am., my wife and I noticed this fun group of thirty-somethings starting to leave… kind of.
We were a little tired and knew that we had a breakfast scheduled on the Upper West Side at 9 am, so we started gathering our stuff - then we found out that everyone was headed for a dance club a few blocks away. When we heard, “Dancing,” we were immediately in. We’ve both loved dancing long before we’d known each other and don’t pass up a chance to dance… even when it’s just the two of us back home in our kitchen.
Like most of Brooklyn, the club was populated with twenty and thirty year olds, and we kind of stood out. A couple of “the kids” that knew us thought it was pretty cool that we were there - as they shared that their parents wouldn’t even consider the idea. Why wouldn’t we be there - we love to dance and love to spend time with this great group of people.
I confronted one young lady’s disbelief by saying, “Do you think there’s an age limit on dancing?”
She said, “No, but I just don’t see folks like you out here like this.”
She answered, “Maybe they think they’re too old for it.”
I countered with, “Do you think you’ll limit yourself from doing what you like when you get your parents age?”
She smiled, “Not after watching you guys, I won’t.”
I smiled thinking, ‘Another ageist belief just bit the dust.’ Mission Accomplished.